Chartered Accountants
ML.Chhajer & Co. was established in 1992 with the aim of providing value added professional services in various fields. We represent the Body of Knowledge and Experience in the Field of Business Process Outsourcing, Financial Consultancy, Statutory Audit, Internal Audit and Tax Management. We believe in upholding the highest standards of business ethics with a dedicated commitment to total quality. We have built up a networked team of dedicated professionals in each field of the services that we offer. We take great pride in the confidence and respect that we have earned from our clients and strive to improve every day.
The firm has 16 years of successful professional standing with a mission to Excel itself in the professional environment. The firm has a fully computerized networked professional set-up which handles accounting – including systems design, data processing and finalisation of accounts, taxation of various entities, payroll processing taking into consideration various applicable labour laws.