There is a general misconception that vaccination is only for children. It is perceived that childhood vaccines protect adults from infections, and even if infections occur, antibiotics can cure them. But certain viral infections like hepatitis and chicken pox when contracted by adults can have severe consequences and may even be fatal.
Vaccine requirements vary with age, health, lifestyle and occupational factors. Boosters is the immunization specialist that caters to the immunization needs of teens and adults. It is a clinic dedicated to preventive health and offers comprehensive immunization services including pre and post exposure prophylaxis. Boosters aims to improve awareness about adolescent and adult vaccines. The immune system requires a periodic boost that only a vaccine can give and Boosters will show the way.
Vaccination Alert
Adult Vaccination
International Society for Infectious Diseases
National Travel Health Network and Centre
The A to Z of healthy travel
Travel Medicine Database
Vaccines & Immunizations
World Health Organization