First of all kindly let me to introduce myself. I started this consultancy service after I worked for 20years
as a head of ETP’s and CETP OF large industrial houses. I worked as Plant manager of the common effluent treatment plant for 152 higly polluting industries is chennai. The CETP was sponserd by United Nations Industrial Development Organization for higly polluting industries (UNIDO) to treat 30 lacks liters
of trade effluent per day (3000M3 per day).
We are well aware of the environment problems faced by the industries, but still consultants having practical field experience are limited in the field. Because of this most of the ETP’s (Effluent Treatment Plant) and CETP are constructed and functioning without understanding the basic principle of effluent treatment, Thus wasting chemicals and electricity without achieving the standards prescribed by the pollution contral board.
Myself and my colleagues with rich practical experience in effluent treatment plants started this consultancy service to deal with the operation and maintenance problem of ETP’s & STP’s.
By using field tested practical techniques we can enable you to reach the standards prescribed by the pollution control board. ETP is the nucleus of the industry.
Our Specialized Service in includes :
1. Construction and Management of ETP & STP
2. Operation and Maintenance of ETP & STP.
3. Supply of modern technology and up gradation of ETP & STP.
4. Development of enviornmental lab.
5. Facilities AMC.
6. Standardization of Chemical Dosing and Developmentof Biological treatment system.
7. Supply of Reverse Osmosis Plant,Chemicals, Polyelectrolyte,Antifoam, Anti Scale & Enzyme (Dry Bacteria)