INTELLIGENT MICRO SYSTEM PVT. LTD. (INM) was promoted in the year 1990 by two technocrats Er. K.VIJAYKUMAR M.E., FIE and Er. K.PRABAKAR M.E. The promoters are post graduate engineers, the former in electronics engineering and the latter in mechanical engineering, both with management qualifications and over 30 years experience in the field of Industrial automation. The Company was promoted to provide advanced control solutions for industrial automation by way of indigenously developed products properly designed and engineered to perform reliably in the harsh Indian environment. The Company started with design consultancy, prototype development and custom designed solutions for customers in the field of industrial automation.
The Company specializes in microprocessor/microcontroller based control systems with electro – pneumatic controls especially for hazardous area applications such as LPG bottling plant controls, explosion proof / Intrinsic safe weighing systems and on-line equipments. The Company offers turnkey solutions right from conceptualization, need based design, development, manufacturing, supply, erection, commissioning, training, on-line and off-line technical / maintenance and spares support thus taking care of the needs of the customers fully. In addition, INM makes standard industrial PLC controllers for various industries such as automobile, tool making, textile, electrical, switch gears etc. INM can provide customized solutions as desired by the customer.